Build my own cabin - DIY projects

Pouring Concrete Slab

After the footings and foundation were poured, 4" of crushed gravel were added for the concrete base to prepare for pouring the concrete slab.

Gravel Base for concrete floor


As shown above, the gravel should come up flush with the top of the footings so that that concrete slab can rest on top of the footings as well as the gravel.



We rented a power screed which died on us after about 20 minutes so we ened up doing the entire thing by hand.  You can't see it in the picture above, but we drilled and inserted rebar every foot or so in the foundation in the garage door opening.  This will help with cracks in the concrete slab where the cars will be driving.


 Pictured above, the flatwork is being bullfloated.  Pouring the concrete slab was accomplished by maneuvering the concrete truck around the perimeter of the cabin.  The concrete truck shoot was high enough to come across the top of the foundation in the rear of the cabin.  We also utilized the window wells to get the concrete into some areas.  The key to use being able to pour the concrete slab without needing a pumper truck was the fact that we had the garage openings at the front of the basement.  This allowed us to back the concrete truck right up to the foundation wall and reach a good portion of the floor.



The final floating and troweling is done by hand before the concrete slab sets up too hard to work.

Final concrete

Final product after the troweling was finished.  We did end up sloping the floor a few inches for the garage to drain out if needed.  We chalked this slope on the foundation before starting the concrete slab pour and also scattered a few stakes to make sure the slope was pretty close to what we wanted.

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